How to Write your Story from a place of Confidence and Boldness

How to Write your Story from a place of Confidence and Boldness

One would think it would be easy for anyone to just sit down and write their story from a place of confidence and boldness because let’s face it, it is your story…. but from personal experience, I’ve learned that it’s a lot more to “writing your story” than most people think. It takes confidence to decide and believe that you can write it, and boldness to take action and execute your story & book’s vision.

In this week’s blog post, I want to provide you 3 tips on how to write your story from a place of confidence and boldness. To begin, let’s start off with the definition and importance of having each.

Confidence is the feeling of trust or belief. It is one of the most important traits that a person can possess. It is the feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of their own abilities or qualities. It is a sense of trust in oneself giving you the courage to write your story, go after your book goals, take risks, and trust your own judgment. With confidence, you can aim high and strive to achieve your highest potential. It also helps you to remain calm and composed in difficult situations (such as when those triggers come up as you are writing your story), allowing you to think clearly and make the best decisions on how to process and continue with your writing.

Having confidence can also help you to build meaningful relationships with others, (especially if you are in a writing program) as it allows you to be open and honest in your interactions. All in all, having confidence is the key to success in writing your book, believing in yourself, and having the assurance that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Boldness is a state of courage and confidence to act on one's beliefs despite any potential risks or consequences. It is being brave and taking a stand for what one believes in, even if it is an unpopular opinion.

Boldness is not afraid to take risks or try something new in order to achieve a desired outcome. It is a trait that requires strength and resilience, but also the ability to be creative and think outside the box, and push yourself to try new things. Being bold allows you to be courageous. It allows you to have the confidence to pursue the book that you know is inside of you and be resilient in the face of adversity. Being bold can also help build trust and relationships with your future readers, as it shows that you are brave in using your voice and sharing your story. Ultimately, being bold is all about stepping outside of your comfort zone and challenging yourself to be bigger, better, and bolder.

I believe in you!

Now that we discussed the definition and importance of confidence and boldness, there are a few tips and techniques that I want to provide you to help you write your story from this place.

First, know exactly which part of your story you want to write and share first. There are many different chapters of your life that you can write about and not knowing exactly which one you want to put into a book can cause you to be indecisive and stuck. Indecisiveness and confidence are not in alignment and this will only cause confusion and procrastination for you. Sit down and think about which part of your story you are ready to write about and then execute. Writing your story and book with confidence & boldness is all about making a decision and following through on that decision with action!

Second, practice self-care and make sure to include activities that help you relax and feel empowered. This will help you set yourself up for success by taking the time to create a comfortable and organized writing space for yourself that aligns with your creativity and values. 

Third, create an inspiration board or list of affirmations to remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities. When you are ready to write, take a few moments to center yourself and focus on your message. Think about who you want to impact and why it is important for you to continue to show up for your story.  Keep your WHY and inspiration in front of you at all times! It will help you have healthy momentum.

With these steps in place, you will be able to write with confidence and boldness. I am rooting for you! 

Yours Truly,

Brit Lashae

Ready to work with Journey Written and have me as your book-writing Coach?  Visit today so that we can discuss your book goals and project!

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Brit Lashae is an Author & Book-Writing Coach for women. She founded Journey Written in 2020 and has a passion for helping aspiring authors tell their story and testimony. Throughout the Journey Written Blog she writes about Faith, Book-Writing Tips, Self-Care, and more!