5 Qualities First-Time Authors have before Writing Their Story With Journey Written

5 Qualities First-Time Authors have before Writing Their Story With Journey Written

It’s no secret that when it comes to successfully writing and executing the story and testimony that our authors want to release into a book, there are specific qualities that they have in common. Of course, we all know that each person is different, but in this blog post, I want to list the 5 most common qualities my clients have before writing their story with Journey Written.

Let's get started!

Quality 1: The Journaling Routine

When our Aspiring & First-Time Authors & Writers come to us, I have found that they each already have some type of journaling routine, whether they have been journaling for years or just getting started.  Journey Written Authors have used their journals to help process their thoughts and feelings and track their stories and growth over time before they even begin working with us. I usually hear, “Brit I have journals on journals, and notes on notes, of me, just releasing, I need help trying to piece this all together, in addition to all the thoughts I have in my mind as well.”

What our authors don’t know is that I love this! Having their journals on standby allows us to be able to go back and reference journal entries and how they were feeling at a specific moment in their life. This is also good for when we brain dump together so that we can get everything that they wanted to put into their book onto paper in an organized way.

There are many benefits to maintaining a journaling routine. Some of the benefits include:

  • Allowing you to track your progress and growth over time
  • Helping you to identify patterns in your thoughts, emotions, and behavior
  • Giving you a space to express yourself freely and without judgement
  • Helping you to release pent-up emotions and stress
  • Allowing you to process and make sense of difficult life experiences
  • Helping you to set and achieve personal goals
  • Boosting your creativity
  • Improving your mental and emotional well-being

Quality 2: Self-Discipline

Self-Discipline is another really great quality that our successful writers have. Just think about how much discipline it takes to show up for yourself when you get off of your book-writing coaching session and YOU have to make the decision to continue to stick to your writing schedule and your book goals so that you are continuously taking action, until your next coaching session. Self-discipline helps you stay on track and achieve your goals. This allows you to complete the first draft of the book either earlier than expected or exactly on schedule. If you are self-disciplined, you are more likely to stick to your goals and stay focused on your objectives.

Quality 3: Healed from the story they are READY to write and publish

In my personal opinion, I would say that this is the most important quality that our clients have before working with Journey Written. Being a woman who has gone through multiple healing processes for different aspects of my life, I understand how important it is to be healed from the story you are READY to write and publish. Being healed from your specific story and testimony allows you to write from a place of confidence, boldness, courage, and wholeness. It’s understandable that some triggers may come up as you are writing but the difference is that you have the tools and resources in place to continue your writing without stopping because you have worked through these parts of your story. It’s a beautiful thing to see the fruits of all of your inner work.

Quality 4: Open-Minded and Decisive 

When our clients work with us they know exactly what story they want to share, have a vision of what they want their book to look like, and are also open to discussing additional ways to make their book stand out. Open-mindedness is important because it shows that our clients are receptive to new and different ideas. Being open-minded does not mean that our clients agree with everything that they hear or see, but it does mean that they are willing to consider new and different viewpoints.

Decisiveness is also an important quality that our writers have. Knowing their book's vision allows them to make choices quickly and confidently, without second-guessing themselves. This is extremely helpful in bringing their story and book goals to life. Decisiveness helps you to make choices about your book without hesitating or overthinking things. This can make it easier to achieve your goals.

Quality 5: They are READY!

You will not fully put your all into something if you are not READY! Being ready and dedicated to what you put your mind to is important so that you can fully execute. I feel like this quality does not need a long explanation because being READY is something that you have to decide for yourself, just like any of these other great qualities, but being ready is an internal trait that only you can ignite. Being ready lights a fuel inside of you that allows you to be dedicated and disciplined to show up for yourself, and in order to not self-sabotage holding your story in your hands and the success of your book. Being READY to show up, write, & do the work is key to your success.

So my question to you is, can you relate to any of these qualities?  Please let me know in the comments!

Yours Truly,

Brit Lashae

Ready to work with Journey Written and have me as your book-writing Coach?  Visit www.JourneyWritten.com today so that we can discuss your book goals and project!

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Brit Lashae is an Author & Book-Writing Coach for women. She founded Journey Written in 2020 and has a passion for helping aspiring authors tell their story and testimony. Throughout the Journey Written Blog she writes about Faith, Book-Writing Tips, Self-Care, and more!