The Dedication You Need to Write Your Story

The Dedication You Need to Write Your Story

This week on the blog we're diving into a key ingredient for writing success: dedication.

When you reflect on what it means to be dedicated to writing your memoir, remember that it's not just about writing your story; but it's also about the commitment to share your story with the world. It's about sticking with it to turn your story into reality - a book!

So, at this time I want you to take a moment to ask yourself, "What does dedication mean to me?" It's a personal question that deserves some serious thought. Dedication is more than just sitting down to write - it's a commitment and pledge to yourself to see your project through to the end. For aspiring authors, dedication can make the difference between a dream and a book you can hold in your hands. It can make a difference between the legacy and the impact you want to make. It's about showing up for your story, again and again.

Now because your story is so personal to you, it is naturally going to bring out a lot of passion from within. Passion is important to the dedication you need to write your story. It's the fuel for your dedication engine. When you know the impact of your story and think about how it will help someone else, it gives you the energy you need to continue to write and see your book project through. Your passion fuels your dedication to your story, which helps you overcome obstacles and roadblocks.

The truth is every writer faces roadblocks. Maybe it's writer’s block, finding time to write, or that pesky inner critic telling you it's not good enough. (Goodbye inner critic, your writing and story are good enough!) The key is staying dedicated! Have a toolkit ready. This could be writing prompts, a strict schedule, or positive affirmations to silence self-doubt. In this case, resilience is your superpower. Each time you push through, you're building a stronger writing muscle. Dedication isn't just about the big moments of inspiration; it's also about the small, daily efforts that accumulate over time. It's the persistence to revise that draft, to refine your words, and to believe in the value of what you're creating. Your story deserves that level of commitment. So, let your passion be the guide that leads you through the journey of writing, but let dedication be the steady hand that keeps you on course, no matter what challenges you face.

As we close out this blog post today, I want you to remember that writing a book is a marathon, not a sprint, especially when writing your story. So, cheer for every word written, and every chapter finished. Each small victory is a step toward your ultimate goal. Recognize your progress – it's proof of your dedication.

Your story deserves to be told, and your dedication will get it across the finish line. Keep writing and remember – every word you write is a testament to your dedication.

There's a fine line between liking the idea of being an author and actually being one. Interest might spark the idea, but commitment keeps the fire burning. You got this!

Yours Truly,

Brit Lashae, CEO of Journey Written®️

If you're ready to write your story into a memoir, we are here to bring your vision to life. Visit today to embark on this exciting journey together.
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Brit Lashae is an Author & Book-Writing Coach for women. She founded Journey Written in 2020 and has a passion for helping aspiring authors tell their story and testimony. Throughout the Journey Written Blog she writes about Faith, Book-Writing Tips, Self-Care, and more!